Friday, February 27, 2009

The Giving Tree

Harper forgot how much he loves the story about 'The Giving Tree'. When we re-read it he fell in love with it all over again. I heard him in his room reading it...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thomas Jammies

I got Harper some Thomas jammies and he loves them! Even Mona looks happy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beauty Queen

Introducing my brother's daughter, Brooklynn Jane Harris. She was born February 17, 2009 at 10:10 p.m. Weighing in at 6 lbs 6 ozs and 18 inches long.

Not too shabby for three weeks early!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Date

For V-Day I got to spend my day with my best guy. We went to a 3-D movie called 'Under the Sea'. It was scary in parts (snakes! sharks!), but we had a good time.

Afterwards, we went to TGIFridays for lunch. H had a minor meltdown, mostly because he was so hungry, but it passed quickly. Then he got to have dirt for dessert! Chocolate pudding, with crushed Oreo cookies and gummy worms. Yum!

Friday, February 13, 2009


Harper came home from school today and changed clothes...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Harperism of the Day

Harper told me today that I made his heart smile. How sweet is that?

To Enid We Will Go

Harper and I went to Enid to stay with my Aunt Linda and see Grandmother. We squeezed in a little time with Grandad, too. You just can't go to Enid and not see Grandad!

We went to Leonardo's and played, did puzzles, ran mazes... there was a minor breakdown when he saw the Thomas trainset and didn't want to do anything else. I admit, I was frustrated trying to explain we have Thomas at home! Why play with it here when there's all this cool stuff to do? He wouldn't listen to my logic. The place was closing soon, though, so it wasn't an issue for long.

Aunt Linda lives on a pond, so there were a ton of ducks. She and H had a blast feeding them. The swans came out, too, and they were HUGE!

Aunt Linda's basement is a child's heaven! SO many toys... Harper loved it.

Now we're anxiously awaiting their return so we can go out on the canoe in the pond.