Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Running Man

I bought new hairbands the other day, but I think Harper thought they were headbands...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thomas Party

Today was a Thomas party at Toys R Us. We met the Strodes at the store and stayed until we couldn't stand it any longer. They colored, played with trains, there was a story time and free stuff.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lions, Pirates and Dragons, OH MY!

Angela came over with the boys today. Harper and Jack decided they needed to get dressed up and play outside. It was a little warm for the dragon costume, but H didn't seem to mind.

Do you like the chia pets growing in the backyard? Insane!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

We had a late lunch/early dinner with our friends, the Strodes, on Easter. The boys had a ton of fun hunting Easter eggs, coloring eggs, wrestling, running and playing with trains.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Kung Fu Movie Day

Harper got 'Kung Fu Panda' from the Easter Bunny, so we curled up on the couch to watch it. How comfy are we?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Philbrook in April

Harper working on his next masterpiece.

Me and my little man.

Close up!

H and Mimi

I love this pic of H and my mom.

We were on our way home and decided to have Taco Bueno for lunch. They do a discount for people over 55, so I told Mimi to show them her i.d. Harper yelled 'I have an I-75!" I don't know if he meant the highway that runs through Tulsa, or if it was Bingo talk, but it. was. funny!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I went in to check on Harper tonight and this is what I found.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Little Fish

Harper was pretty tired on his way to swim class tonight. He said, "Mommy? I'm going to take a nap on our way there." I love sleep, why would I argue?

H is doing great at his swim lessons! He's learning to float on his back and "bob".

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Jody gave me a bunch of videos of Harper. You can view them below or check them out on my YouTube page.

May 2008
Harper dancing and singing to Troublesome Trucks on Nana and PaPa's bed.

October 2008
Harper wants to show Daddy a trick with his hackey sack.

October 2008
Sometimes we make up words... sometimes, they sound a *little* like words that we're not supposed to say. I like how Jody tries to get him to say it again, but it's never the same word twice.

November 2008
Harper loves 'It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown' and can quote it pretty well. Jody turned the camera on him when H was watching, and he didn't know it.

March 2009
There is a Thomas the Tank Engine story called 'A Close Shave for Duck'. I recommend you look it up and read it, then watch Harper recreate it here. He's so smart!

March 2009
I love this video of Harper singing along to 'Surprises' while he eats a snack. So cute!

March 2009
Lastly, our favorite video... Turn down your volume! In this, Harper is screaming at Jody (for who knows why), then he shakes his head and says, "I'm so disappointed of you dad."

Remember, if you can't view these, please visit my YouTube page by clicking HERE.