Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School!!!

Harper has been SO excited for school to start! I hope it lasts all year. He gets to wear a uniform, which I'm excited about. Now, instead of hearing about all the cool clothes the other kids are wearing?, I'll just have to hear about the shoes.

Handsome as ever and ready to go! Posing here with Duke.

Official First Day of School portrait

H and Daddy making silly faces. I think Harper looks like he's doing the robot, but maybe that's just me.

Me and my little man.

Are we done taking pictures, yet, Mom?!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Two Wheel Riding Machine!

Harper called me from Daddy's today and told me that he had to take his training wheels off his bike because they were broken. "And guess what! I can ride without training wheels!" So I jumped in the car and went to the church parking lot by Jody's house so I could snap some pics of this historic occasion!

Harper said he had a hard time turning at first. But Dad would run in front of his bike and told H to just follow his feet. That's what he did and now he's a pro! Daddy has been running for a few months. I told him that it was just practice so he'd be ready for this.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Meet the Teacher!

Harper is starting Pre-K and we got to meet his teacher and check out his room. It's a huge room with lots of centers set up. A center just for cutting paper, playdough, a library, painting, creative play with costumes, blocks, etc. A four year old's heaven!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Pup is Growing

Here are a couple of pics of Ianto. He's nearly 3 months.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Brookie J

My beautiful niece at five and a half months.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bowling Buddies

Steven and I took Harper and Kenzie bowling. I had signed them up through and they got to bowl free all summer. We didn't really go all that often, but it was still a really good deal, and he loved it!

Letting the ball go

His "waiting and watching" stance

It looks like a winning shot!

Victory dance!