Friday, March 28, 2008


I was putting Harper to bed tonight and he was in rare form. He was cracking up when I would tease him about wanting to drink his chocolate milk. And I mean crack up belly laugh. It was precious. Then we were reading 'Thomas-saurus Rex' and he was reading the letters that make up the words 'did you see Stepney's Special?' and when he got to the question mark, he called it 'Tootles'. He did so because on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, the Tootles character always has a mystery mouse-ca-tool that is symbolized by a '?'.

Between books he said, 'Mommy? I'm flushed.' I said, 'You are, huh?' He said, 'Yeah. I need Bobby (his blankie) to warm me up.' Obviously he doesn't get what flushed actually means. lol So cute.

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