Monday, June 9, 2008

Magic... All the Way Around

We had such a busy weekend.

Friday night we had a slumber party in my room. We watched 'Happy Feet' and drank chocolate milk. H was asleep before the end of the movie.

Saturday morning we rode bikes I pulled Harper in the trailer behind my bike to the bakery and we got some donuts. Then we went to see 'Kung Fu Panda'. (Really cute!) Harper was great through most of the movie. But by the end of it, he was ready to be done and he started singing 'Troublesome Trucks' and dancing in the aisle. Fortunately, the theatre was packed with parents of children Harper's age, so they all got it. After Harper's nap, we played in the pool in the backyard for a couple of hours. It was a very fulfilling, fun, happy day.

Saturday night, he performed his greatest magic trick yet. We're still working on potty training, so he wears pull ups at night. Around 1a, his head was on the body pillow in the middle of the bed and I went to move him to his pillow. When I felt him, he was soaked. His legs, the sheets, the comforter, the mattress... but not his pull up. It was completely DRY! I had to lay down a waterproof pad for him to lay on, pull off the sheets and comforter, and find new blankets to cover us both. He went back to sleep alright, but I was laying there stressing out that I didn't have a waterproof mattress cover for my bed. Sunday morning we had breakfast and rolled out the door to Target to get one. I was not going to have that worry again.

I rubbed the mattress down where it got wet with some hydrogen peroxide. Other than that, I have no idea what to do.

Next, let me tell you what a sweetie pie little man is. Since the tree fell on the house during the ice storm, there has been mold growth in Harper's room. It's being removed this week, but his room is inaccessible for the time being. Therefore, little man is sleeping with me.

Normally, I don't allow this. My brother (sorry bro) slept with our parents until he was 11. I do NOT want that happening with Mr. Harper. Fortunately, he really likes his room. And while this is going on and his room is quarantined, he says 'Is my room fixed yet, Momma?' 'Can I take a nap in my room?' :( Poor guy. He just wants back into his little sanctuary.

He's been doing well sleeping in my room. I have a bed rail up on his side of the bed and I put a body pillow between us (that boy kicks!). I was mostly worried about naptime, but so far so good. We lay down, I read a couple of stories, snuggle for a minute and head out. He goes to sleep just fine on his own. He does in his room, too... but with it being a different place, I was kind of worried.

Sunday naptime, I actually fell asleep. I didn't know I had, until I was woken up with a snuggling boy and kisses. As I woke up (he didn't know I had), I felt him wrapping his hands around mine and he kissed me on the eyelid. Then he kissed me on the arm. He patted me and said I was a sweet Momma. Then he rolled over and went to sleep. I guess he's not the only one who gets tucked in.

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