So now, I'm going to post a conglomeration of things that have been happening this month.
We went to see Madagascar 2 AND Bolt this month. Both are such great movies! Harper is getting better about sitting through an entire movie. He still needs to get up and move around, but he really gets into the shows and now looks forward to our dates.
Here is his scary face that he was demonstrating for me and Mimi.
Jack and his fam came over and had dinner with us last Friday. They stayed up way past bedtime and were SO good!
Here are some pictures that H took. I think they're hilarious. Obviously all at his level.
H and I were going through his closet over the weekend and found this dragon costume that Mimi bought last year or sometime. He's really into to 'Thomas, Percy and the Dragon', so he likes to wear it and pretend to be the Chinese Dragon.
He's said some funny stuff, too. He keeps referring to Thanksgiving as 'Nextgiving'. And Sunday, I hadn't taken a shower (I just didn't get around to it), so I had my hair pulled back in a pony tail and a headband on. He said, 'Why do you have this on?' pointing to my headband. I said, 'I didn't take a shower today.' He said, 'Momma... You hafta quit doin that.' Like I skip a shower all time or something. Eww.
Oh, and yesterday, he was telling me and Mimi that he left his cell phone at work. I said, 'Where do you work?' He said, 'Binger Stingers'. Okie dokie, then. He had this huge story about jumping beans of various colors and how he missed an important call, but it was okay. 'It'll work itself out.' I'm pretty sure that's what he said. Something very adult and not anything you'd expect a 3 1/2 year old to say.
Finally, he's wearing 5T clothes! Isn't that just insane? I'd stocked up on 4T jeans. Then one day he put them on and said they were too tight. And too short, for that matter. I had to go to Target and buy every pair of 5T jeans they had. I wish *I* could have that many new pairs of jeans!
I'm sure I'll have an update on Friday after Thanksgiving. I'm going to take him to Utica Square so we can watch the Christmas Lights be turned on.
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