Sunday, September 13, 2009

Typical Conversations in Our House

August 24th. Background: My brother breeds dogs. We have just come back from a visit, where one of the dogs has had puppies. Harper has seen them nursing.

Harper: Did you make milk when I was a baby?
Me: Um, yes.
Harper: How did I drink it?
Me: Seriously? Do I have to answer this?

Eventually, I just got out the Baby's First Year book and we talked about it. I mean, it's nature, right? Nothing to be embarrassed about? But I admit it, I was. He's four!

August 28th. After dinner.

Harper: Wow Mom. That sure is a lot of food in your belly!
Me: Thanks kid. My self esteem was skyrocketing. Way to keep me grounded.

September 13th. Background: Harper was looking at one of his baby books and saw a picture of himself wearing a bib. He asked if we still had it. I said I doubt it, but if we did, it would be in the drawer where I keep the dishtowels. He dug through and found it. He insisted on wearing it with lunch.

Harper: Mom, do I have three of those boobs?
Me: Boobs?
Harper: Yeah, that thing I put on at lunch.
Me: Bibs, honey. Bibs.
Harper: Yeah, those.

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