Sunday, July 20, 2008

Good Times at JoJo's

Harper had SO much fun at Joanna's. He and Ella played really well together (most of the time). They played with the doodle board we gave her for her birthday.

They played in her pool and in her fort.

When Ethan got there, Harper showed him his trains and which ones he brought for them to play with. He remembered that Ethan was the one who fixed his tracks when he came to his birthday party and was excited to play with a 'big' boy.

Joanna made me a cake and Cory grilled pizzas.

They played outside on the swingset and ran until they were exhausted!

Today we got out the colors for H and Ella. Since Harper's Daddy is out of the country until later this week, I thought it would be nice to make a picture for him to have when he gets back.

Then Harper and Ella got comfy in her bed and 'read' Thomas stories to each other.

The whole way home, all I heard was 'I want to go back to JoJo's house!' No worries, bud... we will.

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