Saturday, July 19, 2008

To JoJo's House We Go... But Not Soon Enough

Harper's known for a few days that we're going to JoJo's house to spend the night tonight. At first he said he didn't want to go, but when he woke up yesterday he excitedly said, "Guess where we're going today!" I had to repeatedly tell him that we weren't, we're going Saturday.

Friday, when I got home from work, he started packing his trains.

There... he got most of them to fit.

Well... maybe there are too many.

Better repack and try this again.

This morning has been no different. As soon as he woke up he was ready to go. I explained that we are leaving after lunch and he said, "Mommy? Are donuts lunch?" Uh, no. So we've bumped up lunch and we'll be leaving about an hour earlier. I hope they're ready for us, er, him.

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