Monday, September 22, 2008

Another Trip to the Doctor

H's school called me about 10:30 this morning and said that he'd been going to the bathroom a lot. He'll go in, come out, and go right back in again. Was he doing this over the weekend? Naturally, he was with his dad, so I had no idea. Jody said that yes, he'd say he had to go, but nothing would come out. I know a bladder infection when I see one, so I called the doctor's office to tell them we were coming in and ran out the door to get H from school.

He was playing outside when I got there. It took him half a second to register that it was me standing there as he was running in my direction. I swooped him up, talked to his teachers for a minute, then we headed to Dr. D's. H informed me during the car ride that it hurts when he tee tees. Lucky for him, we're on our way to get it fixed.

At the doctor's office, he thought it was pretty funny that he had to pee in a cup. I held the cup, while he went potty. When he was done, he said, 'Okay, now let's flush it!' I said, 'No sweetie. We give this to Nurse Sharon and she's going to run tests on it to find out why it hurts when you tee tee.' He thought that was pretty silly.

Dr. D poked and prodded H's kidney and bladder area to see if he had any discomfort. The test on the urine came back clean, but he's going to run cultures on it overnight to make sure there's nothing he's missing. He said if anything is growing on the cultures, then it could be a kidney infection, but he won't know until tomorrow. If there are negative results from the culture, he'll call me in the morning. If they're clean, he won't call.

He said H definitely has a bladder infection, but they're different for boys than for girls. For girls, it hurts constantly. For boys, it hurts when they pee. The constant need to go is the same, that's why he keeps saying he has to go. Dr. D said to give him cran juice (any variation) and it will regulate the ph balance of his urine and help it go away faster. But it will run its course in four to seven days. If it's not improving by Thursday, to call him and let him know. He also said H can take the azo tabs that turn his pee orange, and ease the need to go so much. I don't know if H will take them, but I'll pick some up and try both starting tonight.

We got back to school just in time for lunch. I told Miss Anna that he has the bladder infection and she said she'd put his cot next to the bathroom for naptime, so he can get up and go when he needs to. He was a big boy, though. He gave me a kiss and hug, then ran to the table and sat down to eat.

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