Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well, Harper still had a crying fit this morning going to school. I sincerely hope he snaps out of it. Personally? I like his school. It has grown on me and now that the official school year has started, it's less like a daycare and more like a school.

The regular kids are in there and the room smells so nice and clean when I drop him off in the mornings. There have been two teachers there every day (with the exception of the first couple of days he was going). And he finally has a cubby of his own! When H and I get there, at least four little girls run up to see him every time. Now, this could be because he's so sweet, funny and handsome, or it could be because he's throwing the biggest fit they've ever seen in their lives.

This morning when we got there, Jeff, the owner/director was in his office and he witnessed H sobbing. He said, 'Is everything okay?' I said, 'Oh yeah. He just hates going to school.' I took Harper into his room and was attempting the drop off and Jeff came in. He saw what we went through and walked out with me. He asked if it was hard to leave him when he acts like that. I replied honestly, no. I mean, I feel bad for him, because I know he's sad, and would rather be home with me, Daddy or Mimi, but I know he's in good hands at the school. He's been there long enough to bond with other kids and teachers. And I know that in a few minutes he'll be fine.

As we stood at the front of the school, I could hear Harper crying from the back of the building. After a couple of minutes, though, I couldn't hear him at all. I know that he'd gotten distracted with donuts, bananas, and toys. I usually call up there around 9:30 and they always say the same thing, 'He had a rough start, but he's doing great now!' And I sent a picture of me with my phone number on it, so he can hold 'me' and call whenever he wants.

This is good for him. He needs to experience life outside of the house and a mother's day out program. He'll be in kindergarten before you know it and he needs to be somewhat adjusted. He's going to be great, I know it! Now if I can only convince him...

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