Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Spider Monkey Chronicles

Well, Harper's introduction to school was no indication of how actually going to school was going to be. He *loathes* it. From the time I pick him up in the afternoon, to the time I drop him off the next morning, he cries and says "I don't want to go to school! I'll stay home with you! Don't go to work! School is yucky! School is dirty! I don't like the boys and girls. I don't want to play..." etc etc. *Sigh* This is grueling for me, since I'm the one who has to drop him off everyday. When I do, I get the huge tears, "Mommy! I NEED you!", spider monkey (wraps-his-arms-and-legs-around-me-so-tight-a-teacher-has-to-pry-him-off-of-me-with-the-jaws-of-life grip).

I wasn't that thrilled with it last week, either. There are a bunch of kids in the class. So many it makes me wonder what the teacher/student ratio is supposed to be in Oklahoma. When I dropped him off the other day, there were already 25 kids in the class and two teachers! He doesn't have a cubby, so I have to haul his stuff back and forth everyday. A couple of times when I dropped him off, there was just one teacher and the breakfast lady. I was assured that the next teacher would be there in a few minutes, so I begrudgingly left him there. One of the little girls announced that her dad would be out of jail after Christmas (to which, sweet Angela reminds me that daycare is probably the most stability some of the kids may have).

The upsides of the school are that the teachers are SO nice. They have a phone in the room, and encourage me to call. I usually call once a day, just to make sure he's settling in. I've only talked to him once. When I did, he repeatedly said, "Come and get me Momma". They serve really good food for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Harper is learning to eat the new food, which is transitioning to home. He's trying so much more and *liking* it! Paranoid Mom that I am, though, I pack a peanut butter sandwich and pretzels, just in case he doesn't want what they're serving. Sometimes it comes back, sometimes he eats it. Hey, as long as he's getting some nutrition, I'm happy. The teachers always give me a report (verbal, not written) and let me know how's he's done during the day, what he's eaten, etc.

We'll see how it goes. I actually toured another school with him (major mistake). Now all he says is "I don't want to go to my new school (meaning his current school)! I want to go to the other school (the one we toured together)!" I hope he gives this school a chance. The teachers are nice, they sing songs and read stories. They even have sprinkler day on Fridays in August! If he doesn't calm down after a couple of weeks, Jody and I have agreed to reevaluate and decide what to do. It doesn't matter how much *we* like a school, if he doesn't enjoy himself while he's there.

So please pray that he settles in and starts to enjoy himself! I hate to think of my baby being miserable all day while he's away.

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