Thursday, October 30, 2008

Making Our Mark

Uncle Steve came over today and fixed the mud glorious mud in the driveway. That's what Harper calls it. I just say HALLELUJAH!

We commemorated the event by making our own mark. We used the train cookie cutter, then I wrote H's initials, the date, his hand prints and foot prints, then he used the train cookie cutter and wrote an H all by himself.

Can I just say how nice it will be to not drive over this everyday? BLISS! (I'm easily pleased.)

When Steven was leaving, we yelled 'We love you, Uncle Steve!' I asked H, 'Do you love your Uncle Steve?' He said, 'Yeah.' I said, 'Me, too. He's a pretty good guy.' Harper said, 'He's the best guy.' Isn't that sweet?

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