Harper is really just the most fun little boy I know. He didn't say or do anything in particular today. He was just good, and fun, and his super silly self.
We went to Target after his nap, so I could get some groceries. Since I'm looking for a new job, we figured I should get some work clothes. (I wear jeans and shorts now. Not business appropriate.) Harper was very patient, and entertaining, while he waited on me.
I guess this is his impression of Ariel
Come on already, Mom!
He was so good while waiting, that we went to the Thomas section to check out the trains. We have most of them already, but there was a Harold that has a mail bag that Kenzie has and H wanted, so we got it. While we were there, he spotted a set that he wants. Fortunately, it doesn't match our tracks. But I think it might match Daddy's. So I took a picture of H and emailed it to Jody, so he'd know which one it is, if he decides to get it. Isn't H cute? He's all about the thumbs up lately.
We might have accidentally picked up a Halloween costume for Mona while we were there. We really wanted the skunk costume, but they were out. So she'll have to live with being a rooster.
What do you think? Does she look like she hates me?
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